Hello everybody out there!
Michelle Keyser Kelly is now officially collecting all names and contact information of 1983 alums, so please send names and addresses of everybody you keep in touch with so we can contact as many people as possible. Her e-mails:
mkelly@nab.org or [email]michellerickk@aol.com. [/email].
Please also take a second to register yourself at a spin-off of this web-site that was created specifically for our reunion: 1983.groveton.org. I will use addresses off of that site to send you something to fill out for the reunion bio catalog, so start making up good stories about yourself now! Here is a question you can start thinking up a good answer for: What is a fact (re: your life) that would startle your classmates?
Is anybody living anywhere near Tim and I, out here in Portland, Oregon?
Where is Lee Anne Logie? Melissa or Isabel: do you have her e-mail? Hi Chrys!!! Thank you for the holiday card. Your daughter is so adorable (just like you!). Emerson: do you think you can get Britney Spears to sing at the reunion?
I would like to invite our teachers to one of the reunion events. Does anybody know where our teachers are? Mr. Russell? Gretchen Matthews? Ms. Horton?
Keep in touch! My home e-mail is
Oh, and by the way, if you're eavesdropping on this conversation and you are thinking to yourself
This is really interesting and weird to read about all of these people I haven't thought about in 20 years but there's no way in #### I'm going to my 20th reunion (yeah you, Adam Gelb!) well you are wrong. YOU are the person I want to see! (The universal 'you,' not just Adam Gelb.) This reunion will not be fun if I'm standing in a low-ceilinged, poorly-lit room at the Crystal City reunion dipping Ruffles potato chips in sour cream onion dip all by myself SO start saving $50/month and get your you-know-what to Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In October, maybe...date still to be decided.
Okay...enough fun. Now I need to go do the dishes.
Love from Kate