Have an idea to improve the site. Post it here!
Sun Aug 12, 2001 3:53 pm
Keep up the good work! :)
Mon Aug 13, 2001 3:52 pm
Nancy ~
Thank you for the remarks. I hope to build this into a site that everyone will find useful as well as fun.
:thinkerg: I think some of the changes I have made are getting us there. If you or anyone has any ideas that will add to the site please let me know!
Again thank you and be certain to tell all your fellow tigers about the site!
Phill :withstupid:
Mon Apr 01, 2002 10:26 pm
This was a great idea. Thanks for adding this site. It's a hard job being a webmaster. You have done an excellent job. Can't wait for more 'Tiger's' to find it and participate. Way to go
Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:44 pm
I have a suggestion...corral every GHS alum you can locate and lock them in one room until everyone promises to post on these forums, say, x times a year (you choose the number).
Hmmm...maybe a little drastic...probably about as effective as a deprogramming.
Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:12 am
We need to get something interesting going, we don't have to do all our reminiscing on Facebook. How abut a contest; first to post/her age in number of posts wins a personal visit from the administrator. Max, say, 3 posts per day that count, and no dummy posts to run up numbers. Dunny posts to be determined by administrator. Anyone registered who doesn't post at all may be liable for expenses incurred by administrator for the nervous breakdown he has due to excessive workload brought on by this bright idea.
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