He and Phil Harris had the greatest impact on my days at Groveton.
I still fondly remember him and his classes. Some of the lessons that I learned and the memories that I carry with me still have an influence on me.
- 20 year GHS Class of '82 Reunion.
- 20-yr-reunion.jpg (59.59 KiB) Viewed 83736 times
In fact, just last night I was telling a story about a creative writing assignment from his class in 11th Grade (80-81)
His classes were not only educational, but very enjoyable.
While I am saddened by the news - I am extremely glad that I can say that I knew him.
Thank you Paulie, you will never be forgotten.
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Link: An excellent article about Mr Russell's retirement just last year!
http://scottsurovell.blogspot.com/2013/ ... tires.html