Mr Russell was my favorite teacher. Who else had him???
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Originally posted by 15 MAR 2001</span>
Mr. Russell - Who else had him???
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Mr Russell was my favorite teacher. Who else had him???
:cool_yel: <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Originally posted by 15 MAR 2001</span>
I had Mr. Russell for 11th grade English... Very entertaining guy! I had so much fun in his class that I failed and had to take night school to graduate on time. I certainly can't blame him for my transgressions... I simply didn't like English! Robert Braun('81)
:puke:<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Originally posted by Robert C. Braun 18 MAY 2001</span>
I remember him writing "BLNT" (Better Luck Next Time) on the top of my papers.
:offtheair: <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Originally posted by 20 JUN 2001</span>
Mr Russell crowned me king of the "do do" heads. Still dont know what the heck he meant by that
:square: <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Originally posted by Jeff Johnson 20 JUN 2001</span>
I sure did. And I remember a student who didn't agree with him and wrote "Mr. Russell is a hypocrite" on the blackboard before class. Mr. R came in and saw it and read it aloud to the class. Except he pronounced it "hype-o-crite," and seemed very amused by the incident.
i had "unkle paul" a couple of times. he also marked papers A.Y.K. are you kidding? i use that to this day. i hope he is ok where ever he is.
charles woznak CLWoznak
good ole Russel!Mr Russel was the best!! How could anyone fail his class????
![]() he used to catch me skipping his class and never really seemed to mind... ![]() But his singing left something to be desired! ![]()
Re: Mr. Russell - Who else had him???I had him my junior year for a study hall tried to ask him a question and he was not responding to "Mr. Russell" I tried three or four times no response so I just finally yelled "HEY YOU" that got his attention. But after being rescued by rest of the study hall he was cool about it
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