Ancient History - How about Becky Biddle - typing teacher??

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Ancient History - How about Becky Biddle - typing teacher??

Postby DennyBeall » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:28 am

Many years ago in a land far, far away the powers that be tried an experiment. They would put "boys" in typing and Home Ec classes. Miss Biddle was the typing teacher and we, (the Boys) lasted almost a week. That was good though since we lasted a day in home ec............(about '59 or '60 I think..)
Always wondered what happened to Miss Biddle
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Class of: 1962

Postby Weatherman68 » Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:09 am

can't help you on her...but that was a long time ago.

At the end of, I think, 1967, or was it 1966, on the recomendation of some guidance counselor, I was slated to drop chorus, in which I had been active, and take typing instead. The choral director, then Mr. Auman, found out, and, well, suffice it to say, I stuck with chorus. Maybe it was because I was a rare commodity...a tenor who could read music, trying to anchor the tenor section of chorus and madrigals after the departure of now-Broadway-star Gary Beach. Never mind that my voice couldn;t hold water with I said, there werent many of us around.

As I never actually got into typing class, I don't know who was teaching the class then.
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