Remember when only Seniors were permitted to drive to school and had priviledges to park in the student parking lot?
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Old timer - remember the hot shoppe
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It was "normal" to make a cruise around the Hot Shoppe after any school event. Football games, Jubilee, any Friday, Saturday or Sunday night, band practice. After any practice for an Orange Freeze and a Hot Fudge Ice Cream Cake (when we thought we were fat but weren't
![]() Remember when only Seniors were permitted to drive to school and had priviledges to park in the student parking lot? Who remembers???
Saw your reference to the Hot Shoppe and the memories started coming back. Those of us in the Class of 59 also cruised there, and the did same things along the Parkway. In addition to submarine races, we also watched shark fights. We didn't have 8 tracks, though. We were still in 45 RPM singles age -- if memory serves, the Supremes hadn't even come on the scene yet. I also remember DA and flattop haircuts for guys, collars turned up in the back, jeans turned up very slightly at the cuff, penny loafers, girls in poodle skirts and black and white saddle shoes. In sports, we had Julio Betancourt in football, and Skip Francis in bastketball. If you think it was like Happy Days, you're right. Dave...
Re: Old timer - remember the hot shoppeI remember it all and then some. Larry Grove class of 1965
Re: Old timer - remember the hot shoppeI practically lived at the Hot Shoppes!!!
Re: Old timer - remember the hot shoppeThe Hot Shoppes, wasn't that the home of the MIGHTY MO, great shakes and great times
Re: Old timer - remember the hot shoppeYes yes yes!!!!! Call me! Yvonne Green (Taylor) I certainly do remember. My email is: yvonnetaylorphoto@yahoo.com
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